Are Ghosts Real??

Some people say ghosts are a myth. Some just say it's all lies, and it's all set up. There is NO proof that ghosts are not real. But, there IS proof of entities of the supernatural, but some people purposely set up fake pictures to mess with peoples minds. If you ask me, i find it very annoying.

First, the most important thing to know is that ghosts are just human beings not living in physical bodies. These are people just like us, like people anywhere, ghosts can be friendly, smart, scary, stupid and everything in between, but they are just people.

Second, at it's most basic, the reason you can be aware of a spirit is because it's attention is focused at the level of physical world reality. There can be many reasons why ghosts do this.. They may be unaware they're dead and staying close to familiar surroundings or people. They may be aware of their death, but confused about what they're supposed to do. Some ghosts may have a message they want to give someone still living in the physical world. There are lots of reasons why a ghost's attention may be focused at the level of physical world reality, but that focus of attention is what brings them to your awareness and keeps them here.

Third, you have nothing to fear from a ghost. Despite what Hollywood horror films would have us believe, such a person is not a threat to you. Projecting your own fear onto a ghost can certainly appear to give evidence to the contrary.

So again, yes, ghosts ARE real.

 link to one of my favorite websites: